Sunday, August 4, 2013

Third Week in the MTC!

The MTC is still going well. I think that we host new missionaries our last two weeks. Glad to hear that dad was able to make it. Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun with each other. I heard Grandma Hall is having a big Pioneer Day party. Maybe we'll have a big Pioneer Day devotional but I haven't heard anything. In the next package if you could send one or two more t-shirts that'd be great. We have gym like 5 times a week and i have 3 shirts. But before i leave i need you to send me some sweaters and a shoulder bag. Backpacks arent allowed in the field anymore. With all the new changes you can wear so much more stuff, its crazy how much is changing. I have some pictures that I'll send a little later today.
This week was pretty crazy. One of the Elders in my district went to the doctor and found out that he had a problem in his back, and that it would require surgery to fix. So he had to go home, but he'll be back in 12 weeks and he will still be going to Sydney, so I'll see him again. Another Elder in our zone had to go home as well, so now we have a new Elder in our district, Elder Lecates. So there's been a lot of change in our district. Right now we're teaching 3 investigators. Our Chinese is getting better and better so we dont even need a script or plan to go off of. We try to make all of our lessons more of a conversation. I feel like the first 2 weeks I learned so much and now i feel like im hitting a plateau, so Ive been working a lot on grammar. We've committed 1 of our investigators to baptism and are working on the other two. We have so many learning resources. Anytime you want 1 on 1 help theres a RM from Taiwan that'll come and meet with you. The days go by slowly but the weeks just fly by. Crazy that as of this week I'll have been here a month. Its really great that I have such a good district and zone. We've all become really good friends. Elder Sheffield just got put in as our new district leader yesterday. Im so happy to be out here, its so great to be surrounded by so many other missionaries and have tons of great speakers speak to us twice a week. The MTC is a great place to be, but Sydney will be a better place to be. I see so many friends from BYU around and i recognize so many people. At the pace that I'm going at right now the rest of the MTC will just fly by and I'll be in Australia (If i ever get my visa)
A lot of people in my zone are going to Hong Kong Chinese speaking, so I'll have you look out for some of them once you get back to China.
Elder Hall

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