Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fourth Week in the MTC!

Still doing fine. Sounds like you guys are having a good time. I saw my old roommate Tanner. He just got in on Wednesday. Thats cool that Ashley and Justin are getting a dog!  Looks like Davids happy to be graduated and move off. Not sure what the visa situation is. But most of the people in my district are going to Australia so everyones freaking out a little bit. Most of the people going to Sydney (english, spanish, korean speaking) that we've heard of have gotten out on time. So we're just hoping that we get ours in time! If not, hopefully I'll get reassigned to somewhere Chinese speaking.
Nothing new is happening lately. Just going through the same routine week by week. Chinese is definitely getting better. I try to memorize around a 100 new vocab a day. I go through so many flashcards. I also try to get down a couple grammar principles each day. The more you study the more you learn, and I'm studying Chinese maybe 10 hours a day. So eventually hopefully I'll get it. I think listening to the Chinese is the hardest for me. Natives speak so fast and its so hard to keep up with whats being said. Needless to say we are all counting down the days until we leave. Just want to get into the field and teach real people. This week week at TRC we taught a father and son, they were in a Chinese immersion program somewhere in Utah. The son was like 6 years old and could speak Chinese really well, so crazy. My companion and I got called as the Online Coordinators for our branch. Still not exactly sure what it means, but I know im just supposed to talk to new missionaries and talk to them about how to get to the missionary online resources. One month in and one month to go. We're starting the downhill. We should get our travel plans and new name tags in the next two weeks. The time really is flying by here. If you really work hard the time goes by really fast, and when youre slacking off it goes by slow. So you just gotta work hard!
He Zhang Lao

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