Monday, October 7, 2013

Fifth Week in the MTC!

Crazy that Dave and Hailey are in Arizona now! It must be so hot down there. Mac looks so cute. I think golden retriever puppies are always the best. Dad sent me picture of the house. so crazy! looks completely different. Not sure how i feel about it but it definitely looks different. Thats crazy that Thomas Monson was at Fiddler on the Roof. Why wasnt he at the MTC?! We havent had any apostles come yet. People are saying one might come tomorrow though.

This week has been really good. I flew by so fast. Nothing really changes here though. We now where our name tags on the right side, so thats been the craziest thing thats happened. Just learning a lot of Chinese. I made it my goal to memorize every word in our Chinese textbook, theres a couple thousand words. I've already memorized from A to E. We teach a lesson everyday, and I'm also a pretend investigator for other Chinese missionaries. We have big group of new missionaries coming in on Wednesday. A few of them will be coming to Sydney Chinese speaking and they'll be living next door to us, so it'll be fun to get to know them. We are hosting new missionaries this Wednesday as well, so I'm sure that'll be fun, and a nice change. All of my good friends from BYU are here now, so it's nice to be able to talk to them. Really nothing new is happening. Not much to tell about. We're getting close to the end though. 3 weeks left, get travel plans next week. Some people arent getting visas though, you dont find out until the week before you leave. A girl who was suppossed to go to Melbourne Chinese speaking got reassigned to Pittsburgh. So you never know. For Book of Mormon class we did a project on Book of Mormon geography in Saudi Arabia. SO cool. They found the exact site where Bountiful would probably be. Not a doubt in my mind that its true. Yesterday was fast Sunday, so I was able to stand up and share my testimony in Chinese. SO grateful to be on a mission, where I can prepare to bring blessings into peoples lives. Wo zhidao Yesu Jidu de fuyin keyi bangzhu mei yi ge ren. And Im so excited to get to Australia and share it.
Elder Hall 

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