Monday, October 7, 2013

Leaving the MTC!!

Pretty excited to get out of here! I got the Book of Mormon, Jellybeans, and other fun Chinese stuff. I have a really good friend from BYU who is getting reassigned to Boise and is leaving tomorrow as well! I havent been able to talk to him directly but one of my friends just told me. Other than that I don't know anyone else going there. 

We could hear the BYU game from the MTC. Definitely a little depressing. We could see the stadium, the lights and could hear the crowd roar and the cannon that goes off after every touchdown.  Elder Quass is headed to the SLC mission, and the two other people who were left of my original district left for Pittsburgh this morning. So the only people left are me and my companion. So excited to go anywhere. Im sure I'll get fed well in Boise which will be nice, really starting to get tired of the MTC food. I don't think I've ever actually been to Boise either, so it should be a nice change. I hear its a pretty small mission landwise. I'll look out for people on the Boise State football team to convert.  I really have no clue what to expect. I dont know whether its like Twin Falls or what its like. We are all so excited to go. I am also very excited for the Cafe Rio that i get to eat in Boise (there better be one in Boise). I leave at 2:30 in the morning! I'm buying an extra alarm clock today to make sure because the alarm clock to sent me rings soooo quiet. I think we get 1 hour of language study while we are in our reassignment. Im also concerned about my Chinese. Maybe when i get there I'll ask the mission presient if i can buy some chinese language books at a book store or something. I've pretty much gone through everything they've given me here at the MTC. Packing up right now is the best feeling. I MADE IT. I really can;t even imagine my mission not in the MTC. It's all I know right now. Its really been my home. Can't wait to talk to you guys tomorrow! Hope the phone works! If not I have that phone card and I could call you from the pay phone. Havent checked to see if the cell phone works yet but im sure it does. Man, 11 weeks at the MTC. Its funny because there is not anybody still here thats been here as long as me and Elder Quass. 

Elder Hall

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