Monday, October 7, 2013

The Waiting Game

Elder Sheffield and I are way close. He slept above me and sat next to me in class for 9 weeks. How was the Cabin? Its so fun up there. 

So im still here! Havent heard anything about my visa for a long time. Pretty frustrating still being here while everyone else that i came in with is gone. I just want to get out of here and really have an impact on peoples lives. This week has been really hard. We got put into a younger district with new teachers and our classroom is PACKED. But everything happens for a reason. I still get to study Chinese all day everyday here which is a blessing because I need all the preparation that I can get before I go into the field. I should at least be getting reassigned this week. They're are just so many missionaries getting reassigned that they ran out of spots to reassign people to. 

This week Elder Anderson came and spoke to us at the Marriott Center. I really loved the talk he gave. One of the things that he said really stuck out to me. He said "Take the word 'I' and put it away for a while". And it was at that moment that i realized how selfish i was being. I'd been complaining about my visa and still being stuck here, when this whole experience isnt for me. Im doing this to help other people, and I'm probably still here because I need some extra preparation to effectively teach. Afterwards we were all thinking about what would happen if we were to be reassigned, and the thought was brought up that 'what if someone somewhere else needs to here this message from me and me only'. I've just been thinking a lot this week, and I know that this trial will help me in the long run, not matter the outcome. Anyway, I'm doing alright here. Just taking whatever's thrown at me. Hopefully we will receive some more news as to my situation is this week. 

When are you leaving back to China? Just wondering for which number I should call when I reach you. Ill email you when I get more information. 

Elder Hall

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