Monday, October 7, 2013

Meridian, Idaho

Elder Hall and Boise Idaho Mission President & Sister Winders

So Im in Merdian. I cover three different wards (sundance, hunter, and meridian 2nd) which means three sacrament meetings to go to on Sundays. There are 2 Chinese missionaries here, one of them i stayed with on my first day here, and the other i just met at walmart a few hours ago. Not very many chinese people here though. so its not the best for practicing my chinese. i have two companions. Elder McAdoo, from Sacramento and Elder Mower (pronounced like Power) from Flordia, right outside of Gainesville. We live in a members basement, its pretty nice, we have a fridge, microwave, and bathroom down there so i like it. We get fed by members everynight, and when we go out to eat members will also pay for us. This one sister, her name was Sister B., paid for 20 missionaries meals at Costa Vida. Pretty nice of her. We ride bikes. I ride a small purple girls bike that nobody else wanted. not giving me much street credit but it barely works well enough to get me from place to place. When we ride around town everyone honks and waves at us. Kids run across the streets to give us high fives, were like celebs here. members drive us to walmart, or to do other errands like coming to the library right now to email. 

We have a few investigators. Most of them are single sisters though, and the mission wants us to hand over all of our single sister investigators to the new sister missionaries that just got put in our stake. So we have 7 investigators total, and if we hand over all of our single sisters we will be left with 2 investigators. So we're working a lot with the ward mission president and the ward to find people to teach. we do a lot with less active families and part member families. there are a lot of Halls here--which is really weird because i never really meet other Halls. One of the wards bishop is Bishop Hall. We go on splits with ward missionaries and priests 3 times a week.

The first day we got here was pretty nuts...we got off the plane, and they gave us a bunch of Book of Mormons and dropped us off in downtown Boise and told us to go contact people. you meet some pretty interesting people. we ran into some angry ex mormon vietnam war vets, and very rude french family and a lot of people that avoid you in anyway possible.this one guy did run all the way across the road to talk to us though which was way cool. We were just walking down the street and he ran across traffic to get our attention. He had just moved into Boise from New Hampshire and had never seen missionaries before. He was really cuirous and wanted to talk to us. I think he's a student at boise state. We got his information and put him into the system as a referral.

So yeah, Boise isnt too bad. We got caught in a huge rainstorm on our bikes the other day which sucked, but i like it here. hopefully we will have more success this week!
elder hall

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